Water Damage Service
We hope you never need this service, but if you ever find yourself with a broken pipe that caused a flood in your house or a flooded house or room for any other reason you can be sure that Quality Carpet Care Plus has the knowledge and equipment to handle your needs in as prompt and efficient manner as possible.
We will work with your insurance company to provide the needed service to keep the loss from becoming a bigger problem than it has to be. Water damage in your home can be a very big problem if it is left untreated or under-treated. While we know damage to your home is a very nerve-wracking experience, Randy has the training and experience to make your misfortune as painless as possible. While insurance companies like to work with companies that have their best interests in mind, you have the right to choose a company that has your best interests in mind. We do work work with your insurance company to make this experience as financially painless as possible for you, and you have the legal right to choose who you want in your home doing repairs to your place of residence.
Call us anytime day or night 217-538-2299